Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Speech of A Lifetime

The Speech of a Lifetime
            Sitting there, silently in the chair. Jeff holding his papers, waiting for his name to be called. He looked out into the crowd breathing heavily. Hundreds of people sitting there patiently for what could be, the speech of a lifetime.
          “Now let’s hear a big round of applause for the student body president, Jeffrey Coleman!” Announce principal brown. Jeff looking at his feet, stands up, smiling nervously to the crowd. He places his papers on the risers hoping to impress many people.
          Jeff suddenly flashbacks to a week before his graduation, speaking with his best friend Nick. They are having a conversation on how excited they are to be done with school. Now Nick is more like the opposite of Jeff. He is a partier and an outgoing guy, and Jeff on the other hand is in to school, and academics, but they still turn out to be best friends.
          An old-school bully named Johnathan is talking to Jeff about his speech. Johnathan is very upset with Jeff ever since he caught Jeff making out with his Girlfriend during Sophomore year. Ever since then they have had a rough relationship.
          Jeff is nervous about the upcoming Friday. Every day at school his councilors come up to him and remind him about the big day, and that makes him more and more nervous. So, he decides to go home and start to write his speech.
          Tuesday morning, just one more day closer until his speech. After school, he walks over to his girlfriend Abby’s house for some advice. He pulls up to her house and walks up to the door. She hugs him and welcomes him in. She tells Jeff to relax and not worry about what’s going to happen.
          Jeff and Abby go out on a date to take Jeff’s mind of things. It was a short night but Jeff was happy that he could spend it with Abby. He gets home and lays down. He thinks to himself that he is going to forget about everything and just take this week off.
          The week is coming around so fast as Wednesday comes around. Still nervous about his speech, all Jeff did that afternoon was sit there and brainstorm and write his speech. Re-writing everything and stressing a lot.
          Jeff goes to Nick’s house to see what he is up to. He gets there and knocks on the door. Nick answers and greets him up to his room. Jeff reads his speech to Nick, and he doesn’t like it, so now he is upset and doesn’t know what to do. He goes back home to practice more.
          Thursday comes, and Jeff is not having a good day at school. He is stressing about the big moment. He can’t even listen in class, he is very distracted as he sits there in math class. Ms. Tory is a little concerned about his behavior.
          “Jeff, can I see you after class?” says Ms. Tory
          “Yes ma’am” explains Jeff
          After class Jeff walks over to the teacher’s desk. She asks Jeff what is going on. Jeff explains to her the whole situation about the speech. Ms. Tory gives Jeff advice and he thanks her and walks out.
          As the day shortens, Jeff is at the dinner table with his family and his girlfriend. His parents are very proud of him. She says to him that no matter what, that they will be there for him.
          Jeff gets settled for bed. Just got out of the shower, brushing his teeth, and he goes to lay in bed. He cannot sleep at all, he just doesn’t want to sleep because he knows he will have to wake up to a big day. He lays there thinking about the negative and not the positive.
          Friday morning, the day is finally here. Jeff gets up earlier than usual so he can get a good breakfast. His mother tells him that she and her father will be there to support him. He hugs his mom goodbye and leaves for school.
          On his way, he decides to stop by Starbucks for some coffee. When he gets there, the man who is working the front is an old-school friend of his named Mike. Mike asks him how he is doing, and of course he is doing terrible.
          Mike sits him down and talks to him about it. Believe it or not but when Mike was in high school he was in the same situation. He was the student body president and had to give a speech also. So, he tells Jeff how it went. Jeff took his advice well and was happy to find someone with experience.
          Jeff took his coffee and walked out the door. On his way to school he was not very happy. He knew that a couple hours after school he would have to go to his graduation.
          He gets to school and is happy to see Abby. They have first period together so they walked to class. Abby asks him how he is feeling, and Jeff says that he is doing a lot better. Abby was surprised but happy to hear that.
          Time is flying and Jeff is sitting at lunch alone, and it was unusual because Jeff is never alone. Abby runs over there to comfort him and he starts balling out crying. He tells her that he can’t do this. Abby kisses him and tells him everything will be ok.
          School is finally out and before Jeff leaves Principal Brown comes up to him and tells him that his talk is very important because it is going to be on television. He explains to Jeff that we are one of the highest ranked schools in the country,
          Jeff arrives at home. His mom asks him how school was, and he tells her that it got worst. He explains to her that it is going to be on television. His mother is surprised and so excited for him but Jeff doesn’t care it just makes him more nervous.
          He goes up to his room and tries to re-write everything because he knows that this must be an amazing speech now. He suddenly gets a call from his girlfriend saying that his speech only has to be 3-5 minutes long. Jeff jumps for joy because he was expecting a 10-minute speech but this changes Jeff thoughts.
          The time comes and Jeff leaves to help set up for the graduation. He sees Nick and Abby setting up. He walks over there to help and Nick asks him if he is feeling alright, and he says yeah as he looks at the camera crew setting up.
          The graduation starts, and there are hundreds of people here. Name by name as they get closer to Jeff. He wishes that he could just take his diploma and he leave, but no he must stay and wait to give his speech. His name finally gets called and he turns around to sit down.
          The names are done and Principal Brown is giving a little speech on how happy he was to see these kids growing up. He hopes that they all have amazing futures.
          Principal Brown finishes up his last words, wishing everyone good luck. Jeff’s heart is pounding and Principal Brown announces to everyone “Let’s hear a big round of applause for our student body president, Jeffrey Coleman!”
          Jeff stands up, placing his papers on the risers, and is back into reality. He is halfway through his speech and the nerves have gone down, He is calm and staring right at the eye of the camera.
          As he finishes, he smiles at the camera and gets a huge round of applause as he wraps things up. His parents, family, friends, and girlfriend are so very proud of him and knows he is going to do great things. All together it’s been a good year. Jeff goes on to being a lawyer, and marrying his high school sweetheart Abby. And that is the speech of a lifetime.